things that turn on guys on hold

Questions girls ALWAYS ask

Questions girls ALWAYS ask

1. Have you masturbated to your female friends? For me..they might just pass my mind but I don't dedicate the whole session to them.

2. Are you generally aware of how your dick is noticable in sweatpants or gym shorts? Um, this is a hard it that noticeable.

3. Does gagging turn you on or off when giving a blowjob? Um for some guys yes for ME yes and no.

4. When you cum, where do you feel it? Um we feel it rushing through our tube then it is over within 5-10 seconds.

5. Does your dick float in water? A little.

6. Is there a different feeling, to every vagina? Yes, the fit, the moisture, um the grip.

Oh and if you guys wanna read about like why guys do things and read about crushes an stuff you should read my other advice book..I update it more than this:) HOPE YOU HAVE A...UM...GOOD DAY i guess:)